The Faumen Tribes



The most infamous of the faumen tribes, the cat-like Norzen have exceptional hearing and denser muscles compared to humans. Their two tails also give them an innate sense of balance, which helps them to more easily navigate the uneven terrain of the forests and swamps they call home.

The swamp city of Duskmarsh within the Grand Duchy of Livoria is currently the single largest Norzen settlement in Alezon, though there are rumors of sizable nomadic bands wandering the Belomas Highlands in the western half of the continent.



The Aerivolk are often considered the most amicable of faumen, an opinion formed from their short stature and friendly dispositions towards anyone they meet. It’s rare for an Aerivolk to become truly furious, but their talons and ability to take running glides at high speed make them formidable opponents if provoked.

Originating from the highland mountains, the Aerivolk are widespread throughout Alezon, but often prefer to settle in their mountain nests. They have earned a reputation for being skilled weavers and artists. Their tapestries are world-renowned and hang in places such as Livoria’s Royal Palace and Galstein’s Crescent Castle. Their largest known cities are in Livoria (Shiverhill) and the Belomas Highlands (Toska).



Despite their imposing appearance as the largest faumen, the Soltauri are gentle giants at heart. Though easy-going, many make use of their size and strength to find good work as guards and soldiers. They’re also famous for their keen sense of smell, allowing them to prosper in food-related occupations.

The Soltauri have come a long way from their nomadic roots, earning a reputation as skilled farmers and ranchers throughout the northern plains of Alezon. The largest known settlement lies in the Livorian city of Hornmire, though Edelherz in Galstein and the Rodekan Empire’s Kaya also have a significant Soltauri presence.



True to their origins as a coastal fishing tribe, the Vesikoi are most at home in the water. While able to survive on land, fullbloods must drink a liter of water every few hours to let their bodies run it through the gills on their sides.

A very peaceful tribe, Vesikoi are obviously most often found in occupations near rivers and the ocean. However, more than a few make a living in more artistic pursuits such as metalworking and crafting intricate jewelry.

This tribe is common all over Alezon, but prefer to make their homes within the more peaceful nations of Livoria, Galstein, and Belomas. The largest known city of primarily Vesikoi is the southern port of Otburg, in Galstein.



The only faumen with a reputation as feared as the Norzen, the Wasini tribe have made a name for themselves as battle-hardened warriors. The heaviest of the tribes, their snake-like bodies are 100% muscle, allowing them to move with an agility and speed that defies their size. Their scales also form a formidable armor, rendering them resistant to most traditional weaponry.

The rarest of the tribes, the Wasini prefer to keep to themselves, living in scattered groups within underground cavern systems around Alezon. There are rumors of two large settlements; one in the Belomas Highlands near Orgaki, and another beneath Tapimor’s Crest near the Livorian village of Havenfall.